Our farm, Complejo Agricola Las Lomas SL, holds the following certifications and memberships

About Requiem

Requiem is available for purchase or part of a club membership from RocketTheme, inclusive of the RocketLauncher, theme, plugins and sources.

Wildlife Estates

Wildlife Estates
Wildlife Estates
Wildlife Estates Label, is a European quality label which celebrates excellence in wildlife management, landscape conservation and the promotion of the biodiversity of a territory.


The GLOBALG.A.P. Fruit & Vegetables Standard covers all stages of production, from pre-harvest activities such as soil management and plant protection product application to post-harvest produce handling, packing and storing.


Regenagri is a regenerative agriculture initiative addressing the issues of soil health and the climate and biodiversity crisis. Designed for the continuous improvement of agricultural supply chains, regenagri supports farms and organisations to transition to regenerative practices that increase soil organic matter, encourage biodiversity and sequester CO2.

Soil Association

Soil Association
Soil Association
Soil Association Certification is the UK’s largest organic certification body. We are responsible for certifying over 3,500 farms and organic businesses all over the world and we currently certify over 70% of the growing UK market. We work hard on behalf of farmers and producers to champion organic farming through national and EU policy.


BRC is an international Food Safety Management Systems standard, and is one of the GFSI recognized certification schemes. It contains requirements for food processors to follow to build an effective food safety management system.


Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade service providers, working to improve working conditions in global supply chains.